05 February 2012

Rules of Discussion

Since the blog of the WSU chapter of the AAUP is moderated, any comments will be considered before posting.  As long as the poster or commenter is writing material that is relevant and respectful to the rest of the WSU community, we will publish it.

To encourage everyone to feel comfortable enough to participate in the discussion, we invite members of the WSU community to submit postings and comments to be published under their own names or pseudonyms.  However, at least the editor (currently me) or some member of the WSU-AAUP board needs to know the name, status and contact information of anyone publishing in our blog.

If you wish to post on the blog and remain anonymous to the general public, I recommend using an e-mail account not linked to the university and sending material to us at wsu.aaup@gmail.com.

--Lynn Gordon

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